February 2, 2025 – Fourth Sunday of the Ordinary Time – Prayers of the Patriarchs
Throughout the bible, we see how prayer develops in various stages, and how the patriarchs of the bible prayed. The offerings of Cain and Abel teach that we should offer our first fruits with grateful hearts and not with grudging hearts. The offering of Noah after the great flood teaches that God saves his people from the evil and enters into a covenant relationship with his people. Abrham built several altars during his journey and offered many sacrifices to show his faithfulness, obedience, and commitment to God. The greatest sacrifice of Abraham is seen in his willingness to offer his only son as sign of his obedience to God. His intercessory prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah has a remarkable place in the bible (Gen 18:16-33). Moses was chosen to bring the Israelites out of Egypt precisely to worship God on a holy mountain. So, God said to Moses, when you bring my people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this very mountain (Ex 3:12). Every time Moses went to Pharaoh, he said to him, permit us, to go a three-days’ journey in the desert, that we may offer sacrifice to the Lord, our God (Gen 3:18/ 5:1,3/7:16). God prescribed through Moses various festivals, sacrifices, and rituals to be offered throughout their journey in the desert. He instructed Moses to build an Ark of the Covenant (Ex 25:10), which became the sign of God’s presence among the people. They carried the Ark with them until the Tempel was built by Solomon. Certainly, we can find several moments when God and Moses had intimate conversations (Ex 3, 12, 33). During the time of the Kings, especially David and Solomon, we can find several prayers which can inspire us to pray in various circumstances. David’s prayer of repentance and Solomon’s prayer of dedication of the Tempel teach us how to pray in times of gratitude and suffering. David is per excellence the king ‘after God’s own heart’ the shepherd who prays for his people and prays in their name. His submission to the will of God, his praise, and his repentance will be a model for the prayer of the people. (CCC#2579). David is considered as the author of Psalms, which is used as the Book of Prayers for the Jews and Christians. When we pray the Psalms, we can see the whole covenantal drama of prayer played out in human history. When we pray the Psalms, we united ourselves not only with ancient Israel, but also with Christ, whose character and work of salvation is portrayed in the book of Psalms. So, let us pray the Psalms frequently. Take a resolution to pray a psalm a day. — Fr. Jesu.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is this Friday, February 7th. Kindly sign up in the Narthex to spend some time with our Lord. Please know that when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration, someone must be present; the Eucharist should not be left unattended. So, please sign up.
La Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento es este viernes 7 de febrero. Regístrese en el Narthex para pasar un tiempo con nuestro Señor. Por favor sepan que cuando el Santísimo Sacramento es expuesto para adoración, alguien debe estar presente; la Eucaristía no debe quedar desatendida. Entonces, regístrate.
If you plan to have a Quiceañera this year both the parents and child must attend classes next Sunday, February 9th and February 16th after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Please sign up in the church office.
Si planea tener una Quiceañera este año, tanto los padres como el niño deben asistir a clases el próximo domingo 9 y 16 de febrero después de la Misa de las 11:30 a. m. Por favor regístrese en la oficina de la iglesia.
The Tree of Life (located in the Parish Hall) is a special place to share loving messages in memory or honor of someone you love in an everlasting memorial. Leaves are $100.00 each and can be purchased in the church office. Kindly consider purchasing one today for your family!
El Árbol de la Vida (ubicado en el Salón Parroquial) es un lugar especial para compartir mensajes amorosos en memoria o en honor de alguien a quien amas en un memorial eterno. Las hojas cuestan $100.00 cada una y se pueden comprar en la oficina de la iglesia. ¡Considere comprar uno hoy para su familia!
Please consider signing up for various ministries, we would like to have more ushers, lectors, and members for linen care ministry. Kindly see one of the hospitality ministers to sign up.
Considere inscribirse en varios ministerios; nos gustaría tener más ujieres, lectores y miembros para el ministerio de cuidado de la ropa blanca. Por favor consulte a uno de los ministros de hospitalidad para registrarse.
Please consider signing up for various ministries, we would like to have more ushers, lectors, and members for linen care ministry. Kindly see one of the hospitality ministers to sign up.
Considere inscribirse en varios ministerios; nos gustaría tener más ujieres, lectores y miembros para el ministerio de cuidado de la ropa blanca. Por favor consulte a uno de los ministros de hospitalidad para registrarse.
It’s time again for our Bishop’s Annual Appeal for 2025. The theme is Receiving Mercy and Restoring Hope. If you receive the Bishop’s Annual Appeal envelopes directly from the Diocese, please submit them to the church office. We will have the commitment week in our Parish on February 8th and 9th.
Es hora nuevamente de la Campaña Anual de nuestro Obispo para 2025. El tema es Recibiendo Misericordia y Restaurando la Esperanza. Si recibe los sobres de la Campaña Anual del Obispo directamente de la Diócesis, envíelos a la oficina de la iglesia. Tendremos la semana de compromiso en nuestra Parroquia los días 8 y 9 de febrero.
We are a Catholic Community-based organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, exciting community-building events, and partner with community organization.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Nurture the Little Flowers of God’s Garden to grow and bear fruit.
Nutrir las Pequeñas Flores del Jardín de Dios para crecer y dar fruto.
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